During the workshop of Moises Saman (Magnum Photos) we organised an half-day meeting where the photographer will be joined by Daria Bonera to discuss a topic that we think may be of interest to all: using skills of documentary photography in the advertising field.

The charm and the potential of commercial photography

Daria Bonera:
I will begin to speak of photography dispelling the belief that the commercial photography can not be art. I share with you some of the greatest photographers of the international scene that have lent themselves to commercial shots actively taking part in advertising campaigns for well-known brands and corporations.
Sebastião Salgado for  Illy caffè, Alex Majoli for Nike, Antonin Kratochvil for Ray Ban, Annie Leibovitz for Lavazza, Louis Vuitton, Philip Lorca di Corcia for Bottega Veneta, Donna Ferrato for Alberto Guardiani and Elliott Erwitt for Tod’s, S. Pellegrino, Jacob Cohen and many others.
These numerous examples attest that the greatest artists and photographers have brought their contribution in the business of fashion but not limited to, all ‘inside of the commercial landscape and advertising. The question now arises spontaneously think. Why so talented and successful artists have decided to take part in the mechanism that advertising often criticized or from which they are kept away for long?


See the workshop of Moises Saman.