Contest: statistics
July 27, 2014
LuganoPhotoDays trailer
August 17, 2014” The sun had set over the rwandan capital Kigali as president Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane approached the city’s airport on 6.april 1994. Suddenly, out of the darkness, a rocket hit the plane and sent it crashing to the ground, killing everyone on board.
Over the next three month’s, more than 800.000 rwandans would be murdered, many cut down with machetes, killed by neighbours and countrymen, in a ferocious ethnic genocide that was all but ignored by the international world. “
For the 20th anniversary of this very sad chapter of the history, LuganoPhotoDays has organised for its third edition a collective photo exhibition with the work of several authors who have dealt with different aspects of the theme.
- Jan Grarup – the genocide (exhibition)
- Jonathan Torgovnik – consequences of the rape against women (exhibition)
- Love Radio Rwanda – the difficult reconciliation (exhibition + webdoc)
- Didier Ruef – minors in detention (exhibition)
- Giordano Cossu – Portraits from changing (webdoc)
The exhibition will be at Il Ciani (ex kindergarten) from October 17 to 26, 2014.