Art. 1. Promoter
via P.F. Mola 9
CH – 6900 Lugano
Art. 2. Participation requirements
The contest is open to all photographers (professional and non-professional) who have reached the age of 18 on October 1st September 17, 2017, irrespective of sex, nationality or residence.
Employees of LuganoPhotoDays, Fondazione Vicari and of the sponsors, the members of the jury, as well as relatives up to second-degree are not permitted to enter the contest.
Only photographs taken with a mobile phone (of any brand) are allowed.
Art. 3. Duration of the contest
Opening: June 24th, 2017 at 00:00:00 (GMT+1)
Deadline for submission of works: October 1st September 17th, 2017 at 23:59:59 (GMT+1)
Selection of finalists and winner: October 2017
Award ceremony: November 10th, 2017 (LuganoPhotoDays 2017 opening night)
Art. 4. Prizes
For the winner:
- Unique prize: Huawei P9 offered by Huawei
No prize, unless otherwise defined, is paid in cash.
The transfer from home to the award ceremony (and return) are to be borne by the winner.
Art. 5. Award ceremony
The award ceremony will take place in November 2017, on the LuganoPhotoDays 2017 opening night.
If the winner is unable to attend the award ceremony, the prize will be shipped by December 31st, 2017.
Art. 6. Composition of the jury
The jury is a panel of 3 experts in the field of photography, publishing or communications. The members and the president of the jury are published on the contest’s website.
The jury’s votes are not subject to appeal.
Art. 7. Registration
Registration to the contest occurs exclusively via internet on
The participants must provide a valid e-mail address and complete the form with their personal details.
The promoter may request a copy of a valid identity document to verify the truthfulness of the given information at any time. The submission of incorrect or untrue data at the registration will result in disqualification from the contest.
The registration will remain valid for future contests.
Art. 8. Registration fee
The registration fee is CHF 15.- and has to be paid by PayPal or bank transfer.
The registration fee will not be refunded in case of withdrawal or non-admission to the contest (see artt. 10 and 16).
Art. 9. Participation in the contest
Each registrant may participate with one or more set of 4 to 12 photographs part of a same project.
The theme is: travel.
Format of the images to be uploaded on the contest’s website:
- JPEG, RGB a 8bit
- 30 cm length (approx. 3600 pixel) for 300 dpi
- Maximal size 5MB
At the promoter’s request the registrant shall promptly supply a high-quality file.
A description of the project in English is required. The photographs may also have a title and/or a caption.
Following the confirmation of the entry, the participant may request the removal of the entire series of photographs by contacting the promoter’s technical team. This operation is the equivalent to a waiver by the participant. In order to submit a new series, the participant must pay the entire registration fee again.
Art. 10. Admission
After receipt of the registration fee, the promoter will select the works, only admitting and publishing those who meet the contest rules’ criteria.
Art. 11. Selection – preliminary phase
Each member of the jury will give one mark between 1 (min.) and 5 (max.) to each series of photographs, which have been accepted.
At the end of the preliminary phase the 50 series with the most marks will be selected. In case of a joint runner-up in this phase, the date of confirmation of the registration will be decisive.
Art. 12. Selection – final phase
The jury will assign a second score to the selected works, determining the finalists: the 10 series with the highest marks. In case of a joint runner-up in this phase, the date of confirmation of the registration will be decisive.
The finalists will be notified via e-mail.
Art. 13. Selection – winner
After the preliminary and the final phase, the jury will reunite to determine the single winner among the 10 finalists.
The winner will be notified via e-mail.
Art. 14. Copyright
The participant declares to be the sole and exclusive owner of the uploaded photographs and to detain, if necessary, the lawful releases from the photographed subjects and is solely responsible in the event of a claim by the photographed subject or, in general, by third parties.
Art. 15. Use of images
The photographs remain the exclusive property of the author who authorises the promoter to use, reproduce and publish them by any means, free of charge (with the exception of commercial purposes) and without time limit; in particular, but not as a limiting factor, on the promoter’s website, social network, printed material (flyer, posters, catalogues, …), etc..
The authors are not entitled to economic compensation for the publication of the photographs on magazines, newspapers, website and/or social networks.
The prints from the photographs used for the exhibitions will remain the property of the promoter.
Art. 16. Responsibility
The uploaded contents are solely the responsibility of the authors. The promoter declines any responsibility for the images uploaded by the user and possible infringement of copyright.
In all circumstances, generally, the participating photographers undertake to release and to free the promoter from any claims, request, responsibility and, generally, from any property right or claim by third parties linked to the contents.
The promoter reserves the right not to publish images with pornographic content, violence or racial intolerance; violates privacy and publicity, reputation, honour of others or any applicable law; is vulgar, racially or ethnically offensive, classist or in any way reprehensible; may cause damage in any way to minor children.
Even if already published, the promoter may remove the aforementioned images based on his own and unquestionable judgment without notice and without any claim for repayment.
Art. 17. Service supply
The promoter reserves the right to interrupt or extend the uploading and the voting of the works due to a technical, organisation or legal issue.
In case of an anticipated interruption of the contest, the mentioned jury, according the present guidelines, will evaluate the works of those who have already registered.
No guarantee can be given regarding the continued and complete availability of the website and related application in reason of internet’s own structure which involves many parties.
Art. 18. General Terms
Any legal recourse is excluded. Any controversy regarding the applicability of the present rules and the execution of the contest that cannot be solved amicably shall be brought exclusively before the courts of Lugano with application of the Swiss law.
No correspondence will be held about the contest. The participants acknowledge and accept the present general terms of the contest.
Art. 19. Language
Should the English translation of these Rules differ from the Italian original, the Italian version is binding.